discover Krosno
discover Krosno
more reasons to visit Krosno
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explore the region
explore the region
other interesting places in the region
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events zone
a place for events
more entertaining events
upcoming events
flavours of Krosno
culinary map of Krosno and the region
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active leisure
active leisure in Krosno and in the region
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for children
for children
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natural beauty
natural beauty
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book a hotel in Krosno
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useful information
wpisz szukaną frazę
wyberz zakres dat
Explore the region with wine as your guide.
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Discover Krosno in 5 minutes
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Plan your trip to Krosno with us
Discover the unique places in the City of Glass, where the various tastes of the borderlands and the atmosphere of unforgettable events come together with artwork on a European scale and monuments of technology.
Get to know the region of lamp oil, rich in Carpathian treasures of both wild nature and UNESCO heritage architecture.
discover Krosno
discover Krosno
discover the City of Glass, where the various tastes of the borderlands and the atmosphere of unforgettable events come together with artwork on a European scale!
explore the region
explore the region
See the Gothic UNESCO heritage sites, pearls of Baroque architecture in the borderlands and magnificent, lavish residences where the spirit of the old Republic of Poland has survived.
events zone
events zone
flavours of Krosno
flavours of Krosno
active leisure
active leisure
for children
for children
natural beauty
natural beauty
The list of natural attractions around Krosno is really impressive. Here, you will find descriptions of only a few of those places, to whet your appetite for discovering the treasures of nature scattered in the beautiful landscape
To fully enjoy your stay in Krosno, you need appropriate accommodation. The choice is really wide and everyone will find something for themselves.
useful information
useful information
Krosno may not be a complex metropolis, but there are a few things specific to Krosno that are worth knowing
See you in Krosno!
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